Abstract 2

The use of Bedside White Boards as a communication tool in the
General Pediatric wards at the Royal Hospital:
A Quality Improvement project that assesses patients’ families’ experiences, January 2022

AlSawafi, A (1), AlShaqsi, L (1), Bin Haidar, D (2), AlBalushi, M (3)
1. Child health department, Royal Hospital,
2. Pediatric residency program, Oman Medical Specialty Board,
3. Internship program, Sultan Qaboos University



Communication plays an essential key in providing a high-quality service to patients. Medical whiteboards can enhance the communication between patients and physicians if used to their fullest potential. This project aims to assess the patients’ families' experiences after implementing the Bedside White Board (BWB) as a communication tool in the general pediatric wards at the Royal Hospital.


The project team plan is to distribute two surveys (pre and post-implementation of the BWB) to the family members attending with their admitted children in general pediatric wards at the Royal Hospital. The survey will assess three main domains: (1)The child’s family knowledge about and identification of their medical team, (2) Their knowledge about the treatment plan and the admission expectations, (3) Their overall satisfaction with the provided communication by their medical team throughout their hospital stay. The team will set an aim for the targeted percentage of improvement depending on the baseline data from the pre-implementation survey results. The post-implementation survey will be analyzed to show if the targeted improvement in all the three assessed domains was achieved.

Results and conclusion: 

We expect to see a better experience for the patients’ families with improvements in their overall satisfaction following the implementation of the BWB. The favorable results will be shared with a broader scope of patients and different departments of the Royal Hospital to be part of the hospital standard of care.