Scholarly Practice

Getting Started with ORCID

June 16th, 2020, 10-11am
June 24th, 2020 2-3 pm

💻 Zoom Virtual Event

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) is an open, community-based, non-profit registry of unique author identifiers. Once established, your ORCID can be used to maintain your online identity by linking your research activities (publications, presentations, datasets, grants, etc.), distinguish your work from others, and help you to promote your research. 

Find more information about ORCiD at McMaster at:

This virtual workshop will provide step-by-step instructions on establishing an ORCiD and populating it with your published work. For more information and registration information, visit the Health Sciences Library website directly.


As the Digital Projects Librarian at McMaster’s Health Sciences Library, Jack is interested in the transformative potential of e-learning in higher education. Whether he’s creating library-centred learning objects, training faculty on the effective use of educational technologies, or conducting practical e-learning research, he is always looking for ways to increase the accessibility and usability of traditional library and university services. With a background in film production, Jack believes that there is always room for creativity and imagination when it comes to e-learning and is excited by all the fresh ideas being brought to the field by fellow library professionals! Additional ORCID workshops can be arranged upon request. Reach out to Jack directly ( for details.