Unit 2 | Module 1

Searching and Reviewing the Literature

Welcome to Unit 2. In this module you will learn about literature reviews and how they will assist you in doing your work in health professions education.

Searching and Reviewing the Literature

This podcast features Drs. Teresa Chan and Larkin Lamarche on the topic of literature reviews.

McMaster HSL Modules

This resource has been compiled by the McMaster Health Sciences Librarians for the Bachelor's of Health Sciences program, but is a great review for those re-entering new fields or new to our systems and resources here at McMaster.

Check it out:



Interested in learning about a game-changing software that can help you be more efficient at completing structured, publishable reviews? Covidence is that software - and we are very lucky that McMaster has an institutional license. To make it easy to learn, the McMaster HSL has created some easy to follow tutorials about this software.

Check it out:


Featured Education Scholars

Dr. Teresa Chan (@TChanMD) is an associate professor in the Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine at McMaster University.  She is the assistant dean for McMaster Faculty of Health Sciences Program for Faculty Development (@MacPFD).  She is an avid scholar in health professions education and works with the MERIT group (@MERIT_McMaster), and conducts research and scholarship within this area. 

Dr. Larkin Larmarche is a former teacher in the Health Sciences Education master's program. They are a Research Associate and Assistant Professor (part-time) with the Department of Family Medicine. They support several research programs within the department that focus on novel ways to support patients within primary care. Their own research program  works toward understanding how body image (how you feel, think and act toward your body) is understood by primary health care providers and manifests in people who use the primary health care system. They are passionate about making conversations about body image more stigma-free and less medicalized in primary health care.

Additional Readings: