
Social Network Analysis: Case of MERITMaps.ca

💻 Delivered Virtually

📅May 25, 2021

Yusuf Yilmaz
on behalf of Brandon Ruan, Laura Banfield, Teresa Chan, Jonathan Sherbino

By the end of this session, participants will be able to understand how to visualize collaboration using social network analysis and visualization.


We used SNA to visualize relationships between researchers with appointments in FHS, McMaster University. The authors included faculty members, researchers, students, and other authors who were listed as being affiliated with McMaster University within the publication’s indexed content. 

Our approach consisted of developing an online web application to build various medical education scholarship maps within the McMaster University Faculty of Health Sciences. This enables various stakeholders to use the maps for different purposes, including discovering new collaborators and getting to know your research community within the institution. We developed MeritMaps.ca to visualize the publication networks based on the various topics.